
Dale Clevenger about the LD Clevenger Model

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Our Horns

Once completed, are the essences of our higher standard. Every Lewis & Duerk horn is heavily scrutinized during careful, intelligent processes that incorporate the very best of materials available. The labor-intensive handwork delivers proven, consistent results with precision.
Stress in a horn is a real concern for the musician. Taking this into consideration, Lewis & Duerk apply delicate manufacturing processes that produce minimal stress points, allowing the newly born horn to resonate freely, significantly reducing the „break-in“ period.
Attention to this detail creates a template for:
a. Positive resonance
b. Immediate pitch center
c. Response on command
These components are essential to any top class of horn, leaving the artist to choose their art without hindrance.
The Lewis & Dürk models LDX5 and LDX6 demonstrate our daily commitment to a higher standard, and are currently being played in numerous orchestras all around the globe.
A Lewis & Duerk horn is a masterwork. From the hands of masters of the craft, Lewis & Duerk truly care about the end result.